My Appointments
To see your upcoming appointments or past appointments, please click on:
If you have already paid for a particular appointment, please Reschedule it rather than cancel it. The way to reschedule an appointment is to find the email you received when you booked that particular appointment with the subject line "Booking Confirmation for ..." Open that email, and click on the link at the bottom of that email titled "To cancel or amend this, please Click Here." Amending is the same as rescheduling (it's a British company). This will preserve the fact that you have already paid for that appointment and is far less logistically challenging than cancelling it, me issuing a refund, you rebooking another appointment and paying a second time. Thank you.
Note: the system will not allow you to reschedule an appointment if it occurs in the next 60 days. However, if you would like to reschedule your appointment for an earlier time than it is currently scheduled (and the opening is not due to a cancellation), feel free to contact me and I will manually move it for you.
Another Note: BookingBug will not let you log in to your account if you are on the "UK" version of their webpage and it annoyingly defaults to the UK version. If your email and password are not working, see if there is a link at the bottom that says "Switch to US?" and click on that please.